We highly recommend the book ‘Hammersmith Mall Through the Seasons’, shown above. It is a collection of photographs by local resident Jane Bain. The book can be bought online here.
The photos below were taken by Alex Reid through the year of 2023. They cover in sequence the upstream walk along Hammersmith Mall from the Riverside Studios to the Elder Press Cafe.
Looking downstream from Beckett Wharf Park at dawn, January 2023.
Hammersmith Bridge, viewed from Beckett Wharf Park, disappears into the mist. January 2023.
Hammersmith Bridge. Early morning, February 2023.
Dawn, looking upstream from Hammersmith Bridge. February 2023.
Digby Mansions at sunset, Lower Mall. February 2023.
Hammersmith Brige, winter sunset. February 2023.
Engineering bricks on the river wall, February 2023.
Decorative balcony, 8 Lower Mall. February 2023.
9 Lower Mall. February 2023.
Blue Anchor pub benches. February 2023.
Gas bottles at the Blue Anchor pub, February 2023.
20 Lower Mall, February 2023.
Racing skiffs outside Furnivall Sculling Club. February 2023.
Rowing eight by Furnivall Gardens. February 2023.
Early morning sunshine at Hope Pier. February 2023.
Hope Pier with Dove Pier beyond. February 2023.
Dove Pier at dawn, February 2023.
Shipshape houseboat on Dove Pier. February 2023.
Ivy on brick, near Dove Pier. February 2023.
Still waters at sunset, Upper Mall. February 2023.
Into the Old Ship Inn, Upper Mall. February 2023.
Morning shadows, Upper Mall. February 2023.
Wind on the water, Upper Mall. February 2023.
Boathouse door, early morning, Upper Mall. February 2023.
Morning Bun and cappucino, Elder Press Cafe. February 2023.